What is negotiation?

What is negotiation?

Negotiation is back and forth communication designed to reach agreement while leaving the other side intact and positive. Easier to negotiate when the two sides have some shared interests and some opposed.

Soft: Participants are friends. The goal is agreement.

Hard: Participants are adversaries. The goal is victory

Principled =Negotiating on the merits or principles or interest based negotiation

  • Develop multiple options to choose from; decide later. 
  • Avoid premature judgment. 
  • Avoid searching for the single answer. 
  • Avoid assuming the pie is fixed. 
  • Avoid thinking that “solving their problem IS their problem”.

 From Fisher and Ury: Getting to Yes, 1981

When and where do we negotiate?

  •  At Work 
  •  Salary and job responsibilities, space etc 
  •  With Patients 
  •  Compliance 
  •  At Home 
  •  Other ??


  •  Listening
  •  Ability to identify the interests of both sides 
  •  Persuasion 
  •  Diplomacy 
  •  Building and preserving relationships

Negotiation Process Preparation1:

Know what your interests are and why you value them 
 What is the issue at hand 
 What are the ”needs” vs. “ wants” 
 Know the strengths and weaknesses of your position and self 
 Self awareness, personality characteristics, emotional intelligence

Negotiation Process Preparation2: 

See things from the other side’s point of view- why they are negotiating?- 
  •  Research the interest of the other side 
  •  What are their needs (security, autonomy, recognition)

Be aware of the unpleasant consequences for both sides if your idea/proposal is not accepted 

  •  If you succeed who else might be affected, harmed, advanced?

Negotiation Process Planning1: 

Brainstorm all alternatives that could satisfy your needs

  •  Be creative and expand the pie

Know who is supportive and who is not/less

  •  Does this person has the authority to make the decision? 
  •  Are there any penalties for bluffing? 
  •  Are there time limits associated with negotiations?

Negotiation Process Planning2:

Imagine how it would feel to achieve your goal 

  •  Be the devil’s advocate
Plan ways to break it/Buy time

  •  “I need to think over what you just said so can I have a couple of minutes?

The Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA)

 A well thought out BATNA gives you more power (leverage) 

Decide on: 

  •  What you can comfortably walk away? 
  •  Bluffing? Don’t allow desperation to be detected in your non verbal


  1. Very informative and impressive post you have written, this is quite interesting and i have went through it completely, an upgraded information is shared, keep sharing such valuable information. Negotiation Training


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